Friday, January 9, 2009

Good News

Today was a day of good news. I knew it would be, as I could feel it in my spirit when I woke up this morning. I had an attitude of praise and continued to thank God for the good news which would come today.

I called my doctor's office about my MRI results and was told that the doctor was still reviewing it (ugggggghhhhh). Why is my emergency not an emergency to them? Don't they know in my mind I am their only patient and it should be all about me (hehe)? Ok, I was being a little impatient, so I prayed and asked God to help me with that. I received a call around 2:00 from the med. asst. telling me that I am scheduled for surgery on 1/27 @ 12:50! Now under normal circumstances, being told you are scheduled for surgery would not be good news. However, I am excited for a few reasons: (1) Moving forward with the surgery means that the cyst (or whatever it is) is not too much of a concern (yippppeeeee). (2) Having this stinking polyp removed means we can get on with our ttc journey and prayerfully reach our destination really soon. I read that uterine polyps can act like IUDs by actually preventing implantation, so having it removed definitely increases our chances of conceiving! The recovery time for the surgery is only 2 days, so I am also excited about that. I am still waiting on a call from the doctor to discuss my MRI results regarding the cyst.

And as if that news wasn't good enough, I found out that one of my good friends is pregnant! Presently I have about 4 friends ttc, many for about as long as T and I have. Well, make that 3 friends now as 1 is presently expecting. I am soooooooo happy for them because she was having a really hard time with many female problems, but look at God! With God all things are possible. At first it was bitter sweet for me because I was really happy for her, while wishing it was me at the same time. But I find comfort in knowing my time will come. What a wonderful day this was!


  1. I am glad you had such a good day, and that you are finally getting the answers that you want!

  2. Thank you C! Congratulations, once again, on your BFP! I am so happy for you!
